And heres exactly what I sent to the devs:
Today, I decided I wanted to play your game Total Recall. I was low on coins, so I purchased the 10,000 pack for a buck. I was charged the dollar but wasnt credited the coins! Not happy, just glad I didnt do a higher value pack. Frankly, I look at it as I got what I deserved! Why not stand behind the games you make and charge a fair market price for the game? Why is corporate greed trying to ruin the gaming experience? Im older, female and should know better than support such practices, because when folks like myself support this scummy practice, devs like you think its ok to do this. Just because you can doesnt make it right. Im old enough to remember, fondly, playing Atari, Intellivision, even Pong. To think one day the purity of gaming would be ruined by such practices is sad. Especially, in time of such need in our world to prompt people, especially children, to beg their parents for more money they dont have just to play your game, sad and shameful. Yeah, I know Im just one irate person. Just one voice in a sea of many. But there is a thing called Karma. And when you design something, anything, to take unfairly from your fellow man, theres a price higher than the dollar at a time you collect. Hope its worth it. Keep my dollar. Its fine. I look at it as an opportunity to tell you what I feel, which is worth much more than a buck.
One less customer you did have.
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Arcon72 about Total Recall Game